Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So, I just learned that I have won the best prize ever in the Universe! No, really. One of the random blogs I read is The J-Walk Blog, which describes itself as "The Web has thousands of halfway-decent blogs. This is one of them, from Tucson, AZ." I read it because Mr. Walkenbach provides broad coverage of...things. There's a connecting thread of a love for banjos, bacon, and bluegrass (and apparently, things that start with "B"), but he also gives other random thoughts and snippets. I think I'd like talking to him. But, I don't know him, so I read his blog instead.

Anyway, he had a contest giving away something from I entered and just found out that I won. It's exciting. I cannot wait to put the sushi to good use! I am excited because I remember seeing some of their stuff before and thinking about how awesome it would be to use it in teaching, but I certainly couldn't afford it without saving. Now, I have four pieces of awesome sushi to start my collection!

Unknown flavor

Whatever combination of jelly bellies I just consumed created a magic moment in my mouth.

Monday, June 8, 2009

New & New!

Yesterday, I received keys to the new apartment, which is a house. I am living there with a couple of friends. Lutin, who I have known since High School and Emily, a friend I met at work who also attends school with me. I think it's a random combination of people, but I foresee lots of fun!

Lutin is painting some of the house. It's a large house. 5 bedrooms with 3.5 bath rooms, a living room, dining room, breakfast room, and 2 car garage. I call it the McMansion because it's one of the types that was built quickly and kinda for the purpose of being huge. There is not a lot of architectural detail and the materials are not of fantastic quality, but it's a great place to rent for a year or two. But, right now the entire house is painted beige. He's painting the living room a cool blue, the breakfast room (right off the living room and adjacent to the kitchen) a warmer blue, the hallway at the entrance a vibrant and deep blue, the dining room a nice soft yellow, my room an icy cool green, my bathroom a darker green, his room a soft blue, and his office a bold red. It's a lot of painting, but will be a respite from the beige that is currently present.

I have claimed the master bedroom. I think it's a bit unfair, but I'll have paid more than anyone else for the place since I'm moving in soonest, and Lutin and Emily are both parking in the garage, so they have a benefit above and beyond mine. However, I feel bad for Emily who will have the room without an attached bathroom. The bathroom is going to be really close to her bedroom, though. I'll post pictures of the home once I take some.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Late Night

My brain won't turn off. I'm not sure why. I've had a great week and I have been active. The above comic from Garfield Minus Garfield reminds me of the soft kitty song from The Big Bang Theory.

I honestly plan on teaching the song to my children. It's adorable, soothing, and delightfully charming (at least in this context).


So, my theory is that I need to figure out who I really am. I spent most of my college years shaping myself to fit what other people expected me to be. Then, I spent law school doing the same, only in an entirely different manner. I firmly believe that who I was during those times is the same person I am now, just fragmented. I have had bits and pieces of blogs and lives over the past seven years, and my new goal is to figure out what it is to be genuine with myself. To do this, I'm posting whatever I want to post here. So, if you're looking for something specific, you'll have to look somewhere else. I am varied and this blog will be, too.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


How many Unitarians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

"We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that a light bulb works for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship with your light bulb (or light source, or non-dark resource) and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life, and tinted — all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence."

Growing Pains

I learned a new word today -- eleemosynary: of, related to, pr supportive of charity

Also, I was talking to someone at work about how had trouble finding a job, and my boss (Gary) and his boss (Chris) came in laughing, and shared a heart warming story:

The interns and the attorneys all went out last year for happy hour. None of the interns were really excited because we weren't sure what we were doing sitting around and being social with real adults. (Yes, even at 23-26, we all still feel like we are different from those people who have jobs and are finished with school.) So, we went and sat around and chatted, and it was ok. But, after a while, everyone was ready to go. I actually think I was supposed to be somewhere, but had scheduled to be there after this work outing. So, all the interns were asking me how we should leave. And, I said, "well, I suppose we just get up to leave." I stood up to leave, and all the other interns followed suit. Chris asked me if we were leaving already, to which I apparently replied, "Well, I thought this was supposed to be happy hour."

Although it's funny now, I'm glad that I had the time to re-win them over. Otherwise, I would have left a poor impression.